
Security System VIA Telephone Line - Engineering Knowledge Center

Security system is currently necessary, especially in the office building, super market or residence. Thus a closed circuit camera has become a popular equipment. As communication via telephone line has been improving to transmit a various information form including video signal, so in this project has applied a communication via telephone line to use with security system. It will can transmit a video signal from a camera via telephone line and then display on monitor by I/O instrument to connect communicating system.

Pradistha Katukaew
Piti Aucharern

Tag : Security System VIA Telephone Line , Engineering Knowledge Center

Modern Control Engineering (4th Edition)

Modern Control Engineering (4th Edition)

Modern Control Engineering (4th Edition)
By Katsuhiko Ogata

This comprehensive treatment of the analysis and design of continuous-time control systems provides a gradual development of control theory—and shows how to solve all computational problems with MATLAB. It avoids highly mathematical arguments, and features an abundance of examples and worked problems throughout the book. Chapter topics include the Laplace transform; mathematical modeling of mechanical systems, electrical systems, fluid systems, and thermal systems; transient and steady-state-response analyses, root-locus analysis and control systems design by the root-locus method; frequency-response analysis and control systems design by the frequency-response; two-degrees-of-freedom control; state space analysis of control systems and design of control systems in state space. For control systems engineers.

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Tag : Modern Control Engineering (4th Edition) , Engineering Textbooks